Marshfield Area United Way offers local employees a meaningful, convenient, and efficient way to give back to your local community through our workplace campaigns.
We invite you to join the hundreds of local donors who are improving the lives of local residents!
Consider joining us to receive the following benefits:
- Community Involvement: We offer your employees the opportunity to invest in their community through their pledges and volunteer projects.
- Convenience: We make pledging quick and easy through payroll deduction, credit/debit card donations and online pledging.
- Customized Campaigns: Our trained and supportive staff will assist you every step of the way to ensure your satisfaction.
- Increased Investment: We bring together the strengths and resources of businesses, government, education, nonprofits, and community volunteers to stretch the measurable impact of your dollar to improve local lives.
- Communication: E-news and special events keep you informed of the success achieved by your investment.
- Local Impact: Your contribution stays in the Marshfield Area to improve the lives of local children, families, and seniors.
- Staff Development: Unite under a common philanthropic cause and use your United Way campaign as a
team-building activity.
Need help? Click Here for the campaign tool kit.
For more information, please contact Marshfield Area United Way staff at 715-507-5005 or info@marshfieldareaunitedway.org.