Help us collect items for our youngest community members by donating
diapers, wipes, and baby & toddler hygiene productsto the Community Baby Shower!
All donations will be distributed to local agencies directly serving families in need.
To make a monetary donation, please use the red Donate button in the lower right corner of this page and add note "Community Baby Shower" to designate your donation to this drive.
Please contact Sarah at sarah@marshfieldareaunitedway.org or by calling 715-507-5005 if you have questions!
Help Us Help Families in Need!
Join Marshfield Area United Way & Leadership Marshfield in collecting baby and toddler items to help supply local organizations serving families in need!
Items Collected will be divided and distributed to:
WCHS, The Hannah Center, PDC Orenda Center, Shirley's House of Hope, Soup or Socks, & St Vincent de Paul.
Our public collection drive is taking place April 3-14, 2023.
For a printable version of the wishlist below that includes collection locations , click here.
Public collection locations include:
Marshfield Area United Way
Festival Foods
Forward Bank
Hair by Tonja
Marshfield Health Services
Nelson Jameson
Next Home
Partners Bank
Pick n’ Save
Reis Martial Arts Academy
Weiler Convenience Stores
Love online shopping?
Check out our gift registries at Target, WalMart, and Amazon.
These items can be shipped directly to Marshfield Area United Way!
Want to make a monetary donation?
Click the red "Donate" button in the upper right corner of this webpage. In the "Donor Notes" box, please note "Community Baby Shower."
Funds donated will be used to help us purchase unmet needs -- items that agencies need most, but that we don't receive during the collection.
We are happy to help!
Contact us via email sarah@marshfieldareaunitedway.org or call 715-507-5005
Thanks to your generous support towards the Community Baby Shower, we raised $1,770 in monetary donations, roughly 3,400 diapers, 115 packages of wipes, and various other requested items. Your kindness has significantly impacted our community, and we are truly grateful for your continued support in our mission to assist those who need it most. Thank you for your generosity and compassion.