- 17 physicians at the Mfld Clinic
- First case of polio in Mfld reported on 8/12/46
- 45 citizens attended the first organizational meeting of the Community Chest
- Agnes Noll pointed out that no women had been appointed to the Board of Directors
- Mfld Brewing Co contributed $150
- JCPenney was involved in providing winter clothing to the needy
- $1500 was designated to the PeeWee Baseball Club-Organizers were
- Fred Rhyner, Elmer Martin, Steve Miller, Andy Felker and French Mierschaime
- First contribution from the Miller Foundation for $1000
- American Red Cross joined the Community Chest as an agency
- Roddis Plywood had their first payroll deductions of $53 weekly
- By Laws committee was appointed--Steve Hopkins, Thomsen, Cooper
- The first organizational meeting of the Emergency Relief Fund Committee was held: Melvin Goeres, Clarence Folz, Mrs. Cleo Reese, Rev. Oyan, Father Dillenburg
- It was suggested that the campaign letter include a rural solicitation
- First audit was completed by Alfred Hill and Company
- First Divisions were distinguished--Special Gifts, office payroll, factory payroll, retail, professional and general
- 11 Citation Merit Plaques were handed out:
- Best General Increase--Felker Brothers
- Best Professional Increase-Mfld Clinic
- Best Employee Campaign--Mfld Milling
- First Div. completed--Judge Ken Pucker
- First Team completed-Jerry Heinzen and WJ Uthmeier-completing their calls in 1 hour and 20 minutes
- Best Solicitation Team-Sam Josephs/Glen Madison and Pete Baxter/Blackie Marvin
- Outstanding Leadership--Vern Breitenbucher
- There were 25 agencies belonging to the Community Chest
- On opening day of the drive at 9 a.m. the Community Chest Volunteer Band played
- Marshfield Campfire was established
- "Travel fund" to aid transients that happen to overnight in Mfld was established
- $2,000 was allocated for the Mfld Open Heart Research
- Advance gifts were established (our pacesetters)
- An increase of 14 percent was encouraged for goal
- WA Uthmeier completed 17 years of service
- 15 as executive secretary and two as publicity chair
- Education was added as a division with John Bittrich as chair
- Weyerhaeuser Company gift was 19 lots to be sold as a unit, 10 had water and sewer
- There were 66--two man teams that made campaign calls
- Allocations totaled $21,522
- Labor Union was added as a division
- USO allocation was increased because of the Vietnam war
- In February $3,000 was offered by Frank Shortner for Weyerhaeuser lots
- 8 percent increase in campaign goal
- Kathy Schwellenbach was hired as secretary at $2 per hour
- It was suggested that the campaign solicit employees as well as management
- The name was changed to the Marshfield Area United Fund
- Big Brothers/Big Sister auction was approved
- Girl Scouts were authorized to hold the candy drive
- Film by Loretta Lynn and one by Johnny Cash were reviewed to use during campaign, Loretta Lynn was approved; Johnny Cash purchased for future years
- Name was changed to the Marshfield Area United Way
- Plaques and awards were presented to companies
- Uthmeier Advertising built the first thermometer to be used during the campaign
- Payroll deduction was added to the pledge cards
- The first radio interview was given on United Way, however, no phone calls were allowed
- The first slide presentation of United Way in the Marshfield area was used in the campaign
- Theme was "If they didn't need it--we wouldn't ask”
- A fly-a-thon was held
- Goal was set at $105,010
- JC Pfeiffer hired as the first paid Executive Director
- Goal was set at $204,000
- The first office was rented at Central Plaza
- Betty Ptacek was hired as Executive Director
- The Board was increased to a minimum of 12 members and a maximum of 18
- Student Assistance Program was introduced at Columbus
- Mission Statement was adopted
- Ann Boson hired as first full-time Executive Director, recommended by Marty Reinhart
- Gungor Productions produced the first video for United Way
- Brian Noble was the spokesman for Marshfield Area United Way
- First Call was in its infancy
- Michelle Boernke was hired as the first paid Communications Director
- United Way moved to 206A East Upham
- Jeanne Denk hired as administrative assistant
- The first United Way newsletter was published
- Ann Boson named as Board President of United Way of Wisconsin
- The first pacesetter campaign was run
- Robert Ian, magician and motivational speaker was the kick-off speaker
- Stacy Mara hired as Communications Director
- Mfld Clinic was the first and only company to give over $100,000
- Development of the Family Resource Center was begun
- John Ivan Palmer, hypnotist was the guest speaker at the kick-off
- United Way's 50th year of service to the community
- $500,000 goal set
- The first leadership giving campaign was undertaken
- Scott Burton, juggler/comedian was the entertainment at kick-off
- The Marsh Society is developed to recognize individual gifts of $500 or more
- Stacy Mara was promoted to first full-time Executive Director
- Marsha Bell was hired as Communications Director
- “The Power of U” theme was used to campaign for $546,000
- The jazz sounds of River City Six kicked off the community drive
- United Way moved to 101 W. 29th Street, Suite 104
- First Annual Marshfield Area Volunteer of the Year and Volunteer Group of the Year
- Awards Celebration established, joint project with Marshfield News-Herald
- ”The Power of U” campaign theme held for second year
- Campaign goal set at $600,000
- Kick-off held as an outside tailgate party; the speaker was former Green Bay Packer Blaise Winter who shared his story of “Power of Mind, Body & Spirit”
- United Way and First Call for Information each go online with Websites, The First Call database uploaded
- 26 agencies received funding
- First Annual Restaurant Week was established, where local eateries donate a portion of their proceeds to United Way
- First Annual Student Penny Campaign, where third-grade students collect pennies
- Theme was “Everybody needs a helping hand…thanks for caring”
- Goal set at $630,000
- Kick-off featured Rusty Wallace NASCAR, hosted by Pacesetter companies and V&H, Inc.
- The campaign video featured just one agency story: Big Brothers Big Sisters
- First regional year-round PSAs for television produced and aired on channels 7 & 9
- United Way Race Night at Marshfield Super Speedway, where a portion of admission sales driver collections from the grandstands were donated
- Skate Night at Melody Gardens, where a portion of admissions was donated
- *Theme-Regional with South Wood County and Marathon County "The Way We Care for our Community"
- Goal set at $649,000
- Kick-off featured recording artist Pamela McNeill
- First annual Riveredge Golf Outing
- Sharla Dreikosen hired as Executive Director
- The communication Director position open from July-December
- ViewPoint Program on Channel 2 hosted the Executive Director, Co-Drive chairs, and 3 agency directors for the first time.
- New Website developed via effects donation--Adam Hable and Ben Kubs
- Leadership giving increased 26 percent and totaled 15.5 percent of the campaign. Terry Frankland, Leadership Chair
- $700,000 raised
- *Jean and Bob DeVita were drive chairs
- May 7--Michelle Boernke hired as Executive Director
- Communication Director open from March 17---June 1
- Lora Lyon (Wagner) hired as full-time Communications Director
- Won 3 Communication Awards
- Leadership Giving increased by 30 percent and totaled 20 percent of the campaign, 77 new people. Terry Frankland, Chair.
- $733,527 raised
- Theme – Regional carried again with “The Way We Care for our Community”
- Changed the format and criteria for all campaign awards.
- Campaign-based around the baseball theme, kickoff at Fairground, one day after 9/11!
- Wonderful turnout at Victory Celebration held at Wildwood station at noon.
- Drive Chairs…Police Chief Joe Stroik and Fire Chief Gregg Cleveland
- Marsh Society contributed 22 percent of total campaign dollars, chaired by Mike Schmidt
- Goal $770,000, total raised $771,134
- County-wide theme—“United We Can!”
- Happy Hours for a total of $1,650
- First Call for Information became the county-wide program
- Mary Friesen hired as Volunteer Center Coordinator
- First Make a Difference Day held in Marshfield
- The Allocation Committee was changed to the Community Impact Committee
- Initiated Vision Council
- Drive Co-Chairs-Jerry and MaryAnn Lippert
- *Regional Theme “True Superheroes Share”
- *Marshfield Clinic first company to raise over $225,000
- *First regional campaign video
- *Boost America . For free booster seats
- *Goal $788,000, total raised $826,001
- *Marsh Society contributed 24 percent of total campaign dollars, chaired by Mike Schmidt
- *Make a Difference Day tripled its numbers
- *Drive Co-Chairs Dan and Cindy Burns
- *Theme “what matters” – United Way of America adopts as Tagline
- *United Way of America releases new logo, institutes Brand guidelines
- *First Annual Early Bird Special: friend-raiser for retiree-senior division, Ralph & Diane Mueller chairs
- *Goal $858,000 raised $884,300
- *Marsh Society contributed 25 percent of total campaign dollars, Chaired by Mike & Ann Schmidt
- *Stacey Schultz hired as first Community Impact/Volunteer Center Coordinator
- *Make a Difference Day has 384 volunteers and 64 people served
- *First Call moved to South Wood County United Way
- Drive Chair Jim Coleman
- Regional Theme: Opening Doors … to a Caring Community
- Second Early Bird Special 44 attendees, Ralph & Diane Mueller, chairs
- Goal $906,000 raised 950,113
- Hurricanes devastate gulf coast, most notable Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans evacuated
- Marsh Society contributed 26 percent of total campaign dollars, Chaired by Cindy Burns
- First Alex de Toqueville Leadership Giver, Anonymous from Stratford
- Conications Director position open March-May
- Stacey Oelrich hired as Community Relations Development Coordinator, May 3
- Community Kids Campaign raises $302.71
- Restaurant Week raised $1524.29
- Happy Hours raised $915.42
- Marshfield Clinic raises over $280,000
- *First Call for Information evolves to First Call 2-1-1—one toll free number, operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Night Call Center Racine SafeHave
- Executive Director position open August-December, Stacey Schultz named Interim Director
- Kim Baltus hired as Executive Director, December
- Sarah Krenn hired as Community Impact/Volunteer Center Coordinator, December
- Drive Chairs Bill & Darlene Berry
- Regional Theme: Opening Doors … You’re the Key to Our Success
- The Marsh Society contributed 27 percent of campaign, Leadership Chair: Sue Decker and Tom Lenard
- Allocations granted in the amount of $ 688,313
- Goal set at $1,001,219
- Amount raised $ 1,001,250
- Community Kids Campaign raises $294.81
- Restaurant Week raised $2,507.20
- Make a Difference Day has 348 volunteers and 69 people served
- National Youth Service Day has 120 volunteers
- Drive Chairs John Baur and Kathy Rhyner
- First themed Pacesetter Campaign of Financial Institutions
- No Theme – United Way of America encourages local United Ways to focus on impact, results and need messaging
- Goal set at $1,016,269
- Amount raised $1,017,707
- The Marsh Society contributed 27.5 percent of the Campaign, Chairs: Bill & Darlene Berry
- Allocations total: $713,316
- Supplemental Funding was granted to seven current Partner Programs for a total of $14,840, increasing their allocation amounts because the amount raised was more than our total budget
- Community Kids Campaign raises $383.67
- Restaurant Week raised $2,283.15
- Make a Difference Day has 295 volunteers and 52 people served
- Marshfield Clinic's first campaign to raise more than $300,000
- National Youth Service Day has 75 volunteers
Andy and Kris Keogh Drive chairs
Paula Jero hired as Executive Director
- First House raffle, winner was Vicky Peterson of Marshfield
- new website launched
- Drive Chairs Joe & Ginny Mazza
- Because of economy campaign raised $900,000
- No pacesetter campaigns, instead TLC (Touching Lives Campaign) was initiated
- Family Wize prescription card was initiated
- tracking of loyal contributors started
- first Day of Action
- Money Smart week
- moved to new location at 156 S Central Avenue
- video added to website
- Partnered with City for free tax preparation
- Record number of backpacks collected (over 500)
- Over $100,000 in prescription drug savings with Family Wize
- Ashley Winch hired as Campaign/Marketing Coordinator, 2-1-1 coordinator
- Marshfield Clinic issues $25,000 challenge
- Backpack extended to include Loyal, Neillsville, Granton & Greenwood area
- Keep Warm project launched with Mfld. Community Foundation
- Schwan Truckload Sale for United Way
- Reach Out and Read launched
- House raffle expanded to include a car (2013 Mustang from V&H Auto)
- Give Back Marshfield launched as Volunteer Day with Leadership Marshfield group
- Wipe-Out challenge
- Nutrition on Weekends Started (October)
- Job Center, NCCAP, AARP tax prep, W2 all moved into United Way offices
- First 5K for United Way (July)
- Children’s Book Swap (June)
- Summer Intern for United Way
- Snap Challenge Held
- Circle of Caring Women’s Group started
- Mary Wolff hired as CIC/Volunteer Center Coordinator
- 5K Name changed to Run for Hunger
- Wine Walk
- Lang Furniture donation/fundraiser
- New mobile response website
- Greenwood and Loyal added on to NOW program
- Green Bay Packer Foundation grant received for R2P4A
- Holm Family was first family to lead Drive Chair for Campaign
- Simplicity Credit Union host wine/cheese/grub at Oven above the Pub for NOW
- Jeanne Denk retired in October after 25 years
- Green Bay Packer Foundation grant received for NOW Program
- Jason, Kim, and Angell Family were Drive Chairs
- Schalow’s Nursery hosted Patio Nights to support NOW and Backpack Drive
- Campaign Goal was $800,000.00 and we raised $804,212.33
- There were enough NOW Sponsorships to fund the 400 Students for school year
Marty, Jennifer, and Anderson Family Drive Chair
Krystal Bowman hired as Resource and Office Manager
Paula Jero retired in May after 11 years as Executive Director
Ashley Winch promoted to Executive Director
Krystal Bowman promoted to Communications Director
Cassie Zopfi hired as Resource and Office Manager
First LIVE UNITED 365 Golf Scramble held at Riveredge Golf Course
First Dueling Pianos event held at Riveredge Golf Course
Heidi Heckel (Nancy Heckel estate) donated a house to Marshfield Area United Way
- COVID-19 Pandemic
- Emergency Food Boxes, Safer-at-Home, Hygiene Kits, Partnered with MACF for COVID Relief Fund, Wine Walk, and Dueling Pianos events cancelled, NOW and Supplies4Success had different distribution methods to comply with social distancing recommendations
- Dargenio Family named 2020 Campaign Drive Chairs
- Joe G. held virtual concert to raise funds for United Way
- Ashley Winch named WAOW Hometown Hero
- Recipient of the Forward Bank $10,000 Facebook Contest
- Raised over $90,000 for Heckel House Renovations
- Selected as a recipient of Festival Foods icon sale
- Moved out of 156 S Central Ave. (to temporary location at 331 S Central Ave)
- Held a Holiday Raffle, to give locally and to support local small businesses
- Both Campaign Goal and NOW Sponsorships were met and exceeded prior to year end
- Moved into our forever home at 612 W Blodgett St (The Heckel House)
- Cassie Zopfi promoted to Marketing and Development Manager
- Sarah Chy hired as Resource and Office Manager
- Ashley Winch 10-year anniversary
- Ribbon Cutting and Open House held to celebrate our new home and our 75th anniversary
- A tree with a time capsule buried with it were planted as part of the anniversary celebration
- United for Community Wellness collaboration with the school district, Children’s Wisconsin, and the Marshfield Area Community Foundation continued to help provide information the community about mental wellbeing
- Restated bylaws adopted.
- In lieu of traditional campaign drive chairs featured businesses were selected to help lead the campaign.
- The Downtown Wine Walk became the Downtown Wine & Beer Walk. Live music was also added to the event at Wenzel Plaza. The changes to the event doubled the proceeds of the fundraiser.
- United for Community Wellness collaboration focused on kindness. A series of videos were launched in coordination with sets of yard signs strategically placed throughout the community, posters, and window clings that allowed businesses and organizations to join the kindness movement.
- A Badger party event was held at the American Legion to celebrate the annual giving campaign.
- Hump Day Happy Hours were held throughout the campaign featuring local guest bartenders.
- United Way received a $4000 grant from the Green Bay Packers Foundation for the Right 2 Play 4 All program.
- Sarah Chy was promoted to Resource and Development Director.
- Jenni Smith was hired as Marketing and Events Manager.
- Jessie Rasmussen was hired as Resource and Office Manager.
- Community Diaper Drive was revived as a Community Baby Shower. Collected over $1,700 in monetary donations & grants and over $2200 worth of donated items including 3,400 diapers and a wide variety of other items requested by participating agencies.
- Little Free Library was installed with the We Belong Books initiative launched. We Belong Books is dedicated to fostering a more inclusive and equitable world by offering a wide range of children's books that celebrate diversity and promote understanding.
- NOW storage space built out in part of the garage for storing donations.
- United Way partnered with regional United Ways for a month-long advertising campaign to promote awareness and support of local United Ways during the annual fundraising campaign