Winter Fest is a family-friendly event highlighting the perks of Wisconsin winters. Gather your family and friends and participate in any of the following events available: 400-Meter Kids Race, Cross Country Skiing, Snow Shoe 5k or 10k, and the Fat Tire Bike 5k or 10k. The 400-Meter (1/4 mile) course is perfect for the kids, while the 5k and 10k courses are made to challenge the winter sport enthusiast. All ages and abilities are welcome!

Place: RiverEdge Golf Course
10191 Cty Hwy B, Marshfield, WI
Time: 12:00pm Event Registration &
Free Youth 400-Meter Race
12:30pm Cross Country Skiing
1:00pm Fat Tire Bike (5k and 10k)
1:30pm Snow Shoe (5k and 10k)
*Sports Den will have snow shoes available for the event!
Post Race Celebration with food, beverages, and awards ceremony.
Individuals (ages 19+): $30
Individuals (ages 11-18): $20
Children 10 years and under are free.
Each pre-registered participant will receive a long sleeve event shirt if registered before FEBRUARY 1, 2017. Shirt not guaranteed if registered after deadline.
Register online.
Print registration form.
Awards will be given to the top 3 finishers in each race.
Stay and enjoy LIVE music during the afternoon and into the evening!
3:00 - G-Man
5:00 - Elated Sun
8:00 - The Big Deeks