United for Community Wellness (U4CW) is a collaborative, community effort working to address and bring awareness to community-wide health and wellbeing concerns. The collaboration formed in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic and included the following community partners: Marshfield Area United Way, Children’s Wisconsin, Marshfield Area Community Foundation, and the School District of Marshfield. For the greater part of a year, community partners worked to bring awareness, self-care tips, and challenges to try to promote taking care of your whole health.
Since then, the group has grown to include additional community partners: the Marshfield Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Marshfield Utilities, and Exclamation Services. Currently, efforts are working toward promoting kindness in our everyday actions.
Community Wellness Topics
Click on the icons below for more information about each topic!
Self-Care Anxiety/Depression Stress Help/Resources Kindness
If you or your company or organization would like more information on getting involved, please email info@marshfieldareaunitedway.org.