Marshfield School-Based Mental Health Consortium
In the spring of 2023, The Marshfield School-Based Mental Health Consortium received a referral for a student who had faced a lapse in insurance. An extraordinary collaboration was forged at the intersection of insurance concerns and a pressing need for mental health services. Thanks to the invaluable partnership with the Marshfield Area United Way, The Marshfield School-Based Mental Health Consortium approved a remarkable sponsorship to cover the costs of essential mental health treatment. During this uncertain journey, the students embarked on their path to recovery through therapy, commencing this summer. Despite the persistent insurance challenges, their unwavering dedication to therapy became a source of strength during a profound mental health crisis.
The heartwarming twist in this tale lies in the power of community and collaboration. The Marshfield Area United Way's unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of students like this one has turned adversity into an inspiring story of triumph over adversity. The partnership between the consortium and the United Way serves as a shining example of how, together, we can overcome the most daunting challenges and offer a lifeline to those in need.
The Marshfield School-Based Mental Health Consortium, with the help of United Way, are working to improve access to mental health services. Support these efforts with your donation today: