Marshfield Area United Way can assist you in identifying giving strategies that will fulfill your personal, family, and business goals in conjunction with your long-term charitable goals. We are dedicated to finding the most efficient, personally satisfying, and financially advantageous method for each donor to make their contribution.
If considering such a gift for tax purposes, it is recommended to contact a financial or tax advisor for more information. You are welcome to designate your gift to Marshfield Area United Way's Endowment Fund or to leave an unrestricted gift which would be utilized at the discretion of the Board of Directors. United Way Planned Gifts may include:
Outright Cash Gift
The simplest way to support United Way is with an outright gift of cash. Many donors choose to make gifts in honor or in memory of a loved one or caring community member.
Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD)
Some individual retirement accounts (i.e. IRAs, SEP IRAs, Simple IRAs) have a required minimum distribution (RMD) once a person reaches at least age 70-1/2. A donor can make a transfer of funds from their account, payable directly to a qualified charity like Marshfield Area United Way. QCD’s count toward your required minimum distribution for the year. This strategy allows for the distribution to be tax-free.
Bequest in Will or Trust
A will or trust is by far the most popular and convenient way to make a planned gift to United Way. Individuals may make a general bequest of a stated amount or percentage of their estate, or they may make a residuary bequest, which provides for a gift after all other bequests have been satisfied
United Way Beneficiary Designation
Naming Marshfield Area United Way as a beneficiary of an individual retirement account, life insurance policy, and/or 401(K) is an easy way to make a legacy gift. A donor may also choose to designate Marshfield Area United Way as a charitable recipient of a Donor Advised Fund or public/private foundation.
Life Income Gifts
Increasingly popular methods of giving are the (i) charitable gift annuity, (ii) two basic types of charitable remainder trusts – the charitable remainder annuity trust and the charitable remainder unitrust, and (iii) the charitable lead trust. These life income gifts can provide funds for the donor and/or their loved ones now and benefit a charity now or in the future.
Endow Your Annual Gift
When you endow your annual gift, you provide consistent support for the programs you value for years to come, ensuring your legacy of sustained impact. Your one-time endowed gift is invested and then a portion of the income from the invested donation is used each year to support the programs and mission of United Way. For example, instead of giving $1,000 annually, you could make a one-time endowed gift of $25,000 (assuming a 4% annual distribution rate) to generate $1,000 every year forever.